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It's 2024: This Company Released a Laptop Supporting DOS and Windows 95

kyojuro 24/6/2024

Despite it being 2024, the allure of retro tech remains, with Pocket recently releasing its Pocket 386 mini-notebook.

Pocket 386 Mini-Notebook

The device features a 7-inch IPS display that supports resolutions of 640 x 480 and 800 x 480. Its dimensions are 210 x 120 x 30 mm.

Pocket 386 Mini-Notebook

Powered by an Ali M6117 processor, compatible with the 386 SX running at 40 MHz, and integrated with 8MB of RAM, it provides a full QWERTY keyboard and supports DOS as well as Windows 95 systems, allowing you to play some classic games.

Pocket 386 Mini-Notebook Pocket 386 Mini-Notebook

The Pocket 386's interfaces exude retro charm, equipped with a 16/8-bit ISA port, USB port, 3.5mm audio jack, parallel port, and 14 GPIO pins. It also comes with a 4000mAh battery.

Pocket 386 Mini-Notebook

The mini-notebook is available on AliExpress and also from sellers on Taobao, with prices reaching up to Rs. 3,000.

Pocket 386 Mini-Notebook


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