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NVIDIA to Ramp Up Orders and Add New Suppliers to Meet Explosive Demand for Blackwell Products

kyojuro 2024/6/26

In March, at the GTC 2024 conference held at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, California, NVIDIA founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang unveiled the Blackwell architecture GPUs. Among these are the B200 GPU, set to replace the H100/H200, and the GB200, which is paired with the Grace CPU. More products of different specifications and types will follow in the future.

According to Wccftech, although NVIDIA will start shipping various products based on the Blackwell architecture only in the second half of this year, market demand is exceptionally high. This has piqued the interest of many customers, leading to a situation where supply is outstripped by demand. To address this, NVIDIA has contacted suppliers to increase production capacity and is also scouting for new suppliers.


A market researcher indicated that Blackwell product shipments have reached millions, reflecting a significant increase in demand compared to the previous Hopper products. This surge offers substantial benefits to the supply chain. NVIDIA has reportedly increased orders to ASE and King yuan Electric, two back-end sealing and testing factories, effectively doubling the orders related to these suppliers in the fourth quarter compared to the previous year.

In response to media inquiries, King yuan Electric commented that its current capacity utilization is indeed very high, although it refrained from commenting on individual customers. Industry insiders revealed that King yuan Electric is also mobilizing internally to free up more capacity to meet NVIDIA's order demands.

NVIDIA is actively seeking a larger share of the data center market. This year's launch of the GB200 NVL72 computing platform provides customers with an integrated GPU solution, which is expected to generate additional revenue. This strategy also makes NVIDIA's supply chain more diverse and poised for greater market impact.


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